Which seed to choose?
In modern agricultural production, it is extremely important to know how to choose seeds, and that is: - to know the characteristics of the soil in your field, alongside optimal investment in cultivation technologies, in order to get the best yields - quantity and quality wise - so that with minimal use of chemicals, healthy, strong and quality crops are obtained. By investing knowledge and practical experience, many years of research work has created the seeds of such hybrids and varieties that meet the high demands of the market, whereas by their cultivation one can achieve high profits.

Corn hybrids are characterized by stable production, fast release of moisture and high yields. We offer hybrids for every purpose - for removal in grain, for removal in the cob and for silage.

The choice of sunflowers is wide, from classic hybrids resistant to broomrape, to hybrids of Clearfield and Express technology. Hybrids are characterized by stable yield, medium early maturity and high oil content.

Winter wheat
Due to their tolerance to diseases and lodging, and high yields, winter wheat varieties from our range occupy ever larger production areas. They have a medium tall stem, long spike and excellent grain quality.